Kik's Art Journal

Friday, October 13, 2006

Week 3

On the 31st of January, in art class we continued doing on our paintings based on the painter Paul Klee. First I continued planning on my plan sheet because I had alot of boxes which sometimes it confuses me. Then after I plan I managed to have a chance painting my yellow boxes which after that I still have time doing my green boxes, but I did not finish it. Then there was one time where I walked around to see how is everyone doing on there paintings which I saw Namfon's it was so neatly painted because I think she took her time in paintings those boxes.

During this activity I think that the problem that I had was on what should the colors be when I had to plan my painting. But for the painting part it was when I painted the boxes which I thought that I painted it a bit messy. But it still looks good.


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