Kik's Art Journal

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Week 2

Well on this day Wednesday the 24th January 2007 we continue doing on our art work base on the artist Paul Klee. But this is the day that I have to write the colours that I am going to paint for each block. So now I found a problem that is confusing because my drawing has a lot of lines and blocks so it would take time to plan for the colours. For today I did not I did not yet finish planning my colours because it is too many, I mean the blocks. Also the problem that I found during this lesson is that I had to think about the colours that I am going to paint for each block, because the same paint could not touch each other between the blocks. But I'm sure that when it is finished it would look good.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Week 3

On the 31st of January, in art class we continued doing on our paintings based on the painter Paul Klee. First I continued planning on my plan sheet because I had alot of boxes which sometimes it confuses me. Then after I plan I managed to have a chance painting my yellow boxes which after that I still have time doing my green boxes, but I did not finish it. Then there was one time where I walked around to see how is everyone doing on there paintings which I saw Namfon's it was so neatly painted because I think she took her time in paintings those boxes.

During this activity I think that the problem that I had was on what should the colors be when I had to plan my painting. But for the painting part it was when I painted the boxes which I thought that I painted it a bit messy. But it still looks good.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Week 4

In this week, we continued doing our paintings base on the artist Paul Klee. I have now did the yellow colours and the monochrome for green. I have done a lot of work this week painting not planning, which now I am nearly done only abit more. There were two or three people in my class who have finish painting it. When I saw I thought it came out brilliant when you use a lot of colours.

During this activity the problem that I found was when I paint because some of the colours came off the line abit. I think that I could improve it by taking my time to paint it neatly. But if there is no more time then I think it would probably have to be abit messy.